國際師資介紹 Susan Schwartz


usan 老師自1982 年與瑪麗・伯梅斯特(Mary Burmeister)上第一堂課以來,一直在練習和學習仁神術(Jin Shin Jyutsu),並熱愛著每個時刻。她於 2002 年開始在全球各地教學,並在巴爾的摩和華盛頓特區為客戶提供仁神術實踐個案服務。Susan 老師也是仁神術專業課程的講師之一,並幫助開發課程。

Susan 老師在臨床心理學,社會工作和特殊教育方面的背景,為她對這一門深刻藝術的獨特和意識啟發,奠定了堅實的基礎。

Susan 老師的課程充滿幽默和洞察力,提供輕鬆愉快的學習環境。Susan 老師對於當代藝術深感興趣,在巴爾的摩藝術博物館擔任志願解說員長達 19 年。她與丈夫理查和女兒現居於巴爾的摩。

Susan Schwartz has been practicing and studying Jin Shin Jyutsu since her first class with Mary Burmeister in 1982. She joined the faculty of the Mary Burmeister Institute and began teaching worldwide in 2002. She maintains an active Jin Shin Jyutsu practice treating clients in Baltimore and Washington, DC.

Susan’s background in clinical psychology, social work, and special education serves her well as a solid foundation for her instruction. Susan has a great interest in contemporary arts and film and has volunteered as a docent at the Baltimore Museum of Art for 19 years. She is the mother of a grown daughter and lives with her husband Richard in Baltimore, MD.

Susan Schwartz has been practicing and studying Jin Shin Jyutsu since her first class with Mary Burmeister in 1982 and loving every minute of it.

She began teaching worldwide in 2002 and maintains an active Jin Shin Jyutsu practice treating clients in Baltimore and Washington, DC.

Susan is also one of the Instructors of the Jin Shin Jyutsu Professional Program and helped with the development of the curriculum.



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